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Root Canals

Brilliance Family Dental

Timothy S. Helton, DMD

General Dentist & Cosmetic Dentist located in Lilburn, GA

Sharp tooth pain and dull headaches are telltale signs of a tooth infection, a potentially serious condition that puts you in danger of tooth loss. At Brilliance Family Dental in Lilburn, Georgia, Timothy Helton, DMD, performs root canals to keep your teeth healthy and strong. A root canal can save a tooth you’re in danger of losing. To learn more, call Brilliance Family Dental or schedule an appointment online today.

Root Canals Q & A

What are root canals?

A root canal is a procedure that saves your tooth from extraction. They’re most commonly performed when you have a tooth infection or severe decay. If you need a root canal, Dr. Helton removes the damage or decay and fills it with a special material to rebuild its strength.

How do root canals work?

An infection or decay can infect and irritate the pulp inside of your tooth. Your tooth pulp is the soft tissue, nerves, and blood vessels at the center of your tooth. While pulp plays an essential role during tooth development, you no longer need it once your tooth fully matures.

To treat infected or inflamed pulp, Dr. Helton performs a root canal by removing the pulp and disinfecting the tooth chamber to eliminate any sign of decay or infection.

How do I know if I need a root canal?

The most common reason for root canals is severely infected teeth. Dr. Helton can typically tell if your tooth is badly damaged, decayed, or infected through a full dental exam and digital X-rays.

Other signs and symptoms of an advanced tooth infection or severe decay include:

  • Tooth pain
  • Sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures
  • Headaches
  • Gum inflammation
  • Gum sensitivity
  • Jaw pain
  • Facial swelling

If you experience a sudden rush of foul-tasting liquid, you may have a ruptured abscess, which can form on the root of your tooth if you have an infection. This is a painful and potentially dangerous tooth infection complication, so it’s important to contact Dr. Helton right away.

What happens during root canals?

During a root canal, Dr. Helton creates a small access hole into the center of your tooth and uses special dental tools to remove your tooth pulp. Then, he cleans and disinfects the tooth chamber.

Once your tooth is completely clean, Dr. Helton fills it with a special material called gutta-percha. Finally, he seals the tooth to stop plaque, bacteria, and other debris from infecting it again.

If your tooth is especially vulnerable to infection, Dr. Helton may recommend a dental crown. This tooth-shaped cap fits directly over your tooth to restore its size, shape, and color while also protecting it from further damage.

To find out if a root canal is right for you, call Brilliance Family Dental or schedule an appointment online today.