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Oral Surgery

Brilliance Family Dental

Timothy S. Helton, DMD

General Dentist & Cosmetic Dentist located in Lilburn, GA

The words “oral surgery” might sound alarming, but this term actually encompasses a wide variety of common dental treatments. As an experienced dentist, Timothy Helton, DMD, performs several oral surgery procedures at Brilliance Family Dental in Lilburn, Georgia. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Helton, call Brilliance Family Dental or book online today.

Oral Surgery Q & A

What is oral surgery?

Oral surgery is any type of surgical procedure that involves your mouth or jaw. These procedures can be as simple as an extraction or as complex as jaw surgery. More complex procedures are typically performed by an oral surgeon.

At Brilliance Family Dental, Dr. Helton performs simple extractions and root canal therapy.

What are the different types of oral surgery?

Dr. Helton performs several types of oral surgery at his office, including:

Simple extraction

A simple extraction is necessary when a damaged, decayed, severely crowded tooth is visible to the naked eye. These teeth typically require little more than dental forceps to remove.

Root canal

A root canal is a surgical procedure to save a tooth in danger of falling out or requiring extraction. Tooth infections and severe tooth decay are the most common reasons people need root canal therapy. 

During a root canal, Dr. Helton creates a small access hole into your tooth to remove the infection or damage before refilling it with a compound called gutta-percha to restore the shape, size, and strength of your tooth.

Once Dr. Helton replaces your pulp with gutta-percha, he seals the access hole with a special material. To prevent bacteria and decay from penetrating your tooth again, he may recommend protecting it with a dental crown. A crown is a tooth-shaped cap that fits over the entire visible portion of your tooth to protect it while restoring its shape and size.

What happens after oral surgery?

Depending on your procedure, Dr. Helton may pack your mouth with gauze before you leave his office. You should change the gauze every couple of hours.

Light bleeding and pain are normal after any type of oral surgery, but you should contact Dr. Helton if you experience heavy bleeding, nausea and vomiting, or severe swelling.

If your mouth feels painful and swollen after your procedure, anti-inflammatory medication can help reduce inflammation to relieve your pain. You should avoid chewing hard foods or sucking on straws for at least a few days after your visit to avoid irritating the surgical site.

Dr. Helton is an experienced dentist who performs a variety of surgical procedures at his office. To schedule an appointment, call Brilliance Family Dental or book online today.