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Dental Bonding

Brilliance Family Dental

Timothy S. Helton, DMD

General Dentist & Cosmetic Dentist located in Lilburn, GA

You might be dreaming of having a picture-perfect smile, but not know where to start to make that a reality. Timothy Helton, DMD, and the highly experienced dental team at Brilliance Family Dental in Lilburn, Georgia, are experts at dental bonding procedures and can help you achieve the smile you’ve always wanted. Dental bonding is a relatively simple, minimally invasive cosmetic dental procedure that delivers the results you’re looking for in just a single visit. Call the office today or use online scheduling to book a consultation.

Dental Bonding Q & A

What is dental bonding?

Dental bonding is a cosmetic procedure in which Dr. Helton applies a tooth-colored material, usually a veneer or crown, to your tooth to repair it or improve its appearance. Dental bonding is one of the simpler cosmetic dentistry procedures, and you can often have your new smile in just one visit. Since the bonding material closely matches the surrounding teeth, the result is a natural appearance.

Dental bonding is great for patients who want to brighten the shade of a discolored tooth, cover a chipped tooth, or close gaps between teeth. Dental bonding can give your teeth a more even color and shape. Sometimes, bonding replaces the need for a filling in a decayed tooth.

What happens during the dental bonding procedure?

At your appointment, Dr. Helton selects a material that best matches your tooth color, then applies it directly to the tooth. He bonds the material to your tooth and carefully sculpts its surface so it matches the surrounding teeth. Once he has the desired shape, he polishes the tooth so it looks natural. The result is a minimally invasive cosmetic smile makeover.

This cosmetic procedure requires a high level of expertise, and Dr. Helton and the Brilliance Family Dental team are well-qualified in performing dental bonding.

Is dental bonding permanent?

Depending on the type of bonding treatment and how well you care for your teeth, bonding can last up to 10 years or longer. Since some bonding material is not as strong as your natural teeth, proper oral care helps you keep bonded teeth healthy in the long term. Dr. Helton and the Brilliance Family Dental team advise against activities that could damage your dental work like chewing on ice, hard candy, or other substances that may potentially crack the bonded material.

As with any cosmetic dental procedure, the better you care for your teeth, the longer the dental work lasts. Proper care includes regular dental visits, cleanings, flossing, and maintaining overall good oral health so all your teeth, natural or bonded, look and function properly for many years. 

To learn more about dental bonding and whether it’s the right cosmetic dental procedure for you, call the office or schedule an appointment online today.